Un réveillon mal tourné pour Jade Daniels, défigurée à coups de talon aiguille pour des chips



C’est dans la nuit du 31 décembre 2018 au 1er  janvier 2019 que l

Selon le site Faits Divers ayant relayé l’information, Jade Daniels a essayé de se débattre et a pu se hisser jusqu’à son domicile où sa colocataire l’a découverte inconsciente : «Quand je suis arrivée, on aurait dit qu’elle avait été assassinée car le lit était complètement recouvert de sang et elle avait du sang et des ecchymoses sur elle ». Elle fut alors évacuée à l’hôpital, où elle s’est vue diagnostiquer une fracture ouverte de la mâchoire, et aurait reçue 14 points de suture des deux côtés de son œil gauche.

Sa maman venu à son chevet confie : «Son visage est tellement enflé et meurtri qu’il faut maintenant l’immobiliser, car il y a un caillot au sommet de son œil. (…) Elle ne peut pas manger, elle a le vertige et la nausée».



( ENGLISH ) <<>>



It was in the night of December 31, 2018 to January 1, 2019 that the facts took place in Great Britain. A 32-year-old woman named Jade Daniels was walking home after spending Christmas with friends. It was ringing around 2:00 am, when she arrived near her home in Wrexham, the mother was approached by a couple. The man would have asked for a chips and she said yes.

Suddenly, for some reason still unclear, the man jumped on the young woman and began to beat her and she fell to the ground. Then the companion of the attacker hit the thirties with stiletto heels in the face.

According to the Miscellaneous Facts site relaying the information, Jade Daniels tried to struggle and was able to pull up to his home where his roommate unconsciously discovered: "When I arrived, it looked like she had She was murdered because the bed was completely covered with blood and she had blood and bruises on her. " She was then evacuated to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with an open fracture of her jaw, and received 14 stitches on both sides of her left eye.

Her mother, who came to her bedside, confides: "His face is so swollen and bruised that it must now be stopped, because there is a clot at the top of his eye. (...) She can not eat, she has vertigo and nausea ".


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